Corvette Club of Utah

Membership in the Club will be based on one of four membership classes as explained in Section 2 of this Article. Membership in any class must be approved according to the procedures outlined in Article III. Any person not meeting the guidelines/definitions of one of these classes will not be approved for Club membership. (Articles of Incorporation, Article IV).
Member: A Corvette owner who holds a valid license to operate motor vehicles upon the public roads and who is properly insured. Members are entitled to all Club privileges. Any Member whose dues are not current or who is not a member in good standing, will not be allowed to vote on any issue.

Companion Member: Any person that is closely associated with and proposed by a Member. A Companion Member is entitled to all Club privileges of a Member and can attend Club activities with or without the specific Corvette owner Member. Any Companion Member whose dues are not current or who is not a member in good standing, will not be allowed to vote on any issue.

Associate Member: An interested relative of a specific Corvette owner Member, who has been identified by that Member to the Membership Chair. The Associate Member has no Club privileges and is entitled to participate fully in all Club events both social and competitive when accompanied by the relative Member. The Associate Member is subject to such fees as may be assessed members for participation in the events. The Associate Member will pay the full fee when Member discounted fees are assessed for an event. Associate Members may not vote, may not hold office in the Club, and may not participate in the annual Member of the Year competition. This restriction may be waived for a specific Associate Member when approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the monthly membership meeting (Article IV, Section 6). An Associate Member does not need to own a Corvette.

Honorary Member: Any person or company nominated and elected to such membership in the Club through the election procedures as outlined below for the election of Club Officers under ARTICLE V. An Club Honorary Member is entitled to participate fully in all Club events both social and competitive, but are subject to such fees as may be assessed members for participation in the events. An Honorary Member can bring one invited guest to Club events. Honorary Members may not vote, may not hold office in the Club, and may not participate in the annual Member of the Year competition. This restriction may be waived for a specific Honorary Member when approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the monthly membership meeting (Article IV, Section 6). An Honorary Member does not need to own a Corvette. .
Member applicants submit a completed and signed official Club Application for Membership (available from the Membership Chair or the Club's website) for themselves and their companion, together with the initiation fee and the appropriate dues for the remainder of the fiscal year (see ARTICLE III Section 6). They must show a valid motor vehicle operator's license, evidence of ownership of a Corvette, and proof of public liability insurance coverage on that Corvette. (An applicant for membership not having a valid operator's license, as a penalty of traffic law violation, may not become a member until the proper government authority has withdrawn the restriction from the operator's license.) The application will be reviewed and annotated by the Membership Chair or his/her designated representative.

Applicants who submit an application without designating a Companion Membership application can request a Companion Member be added to applicant's membership at a later date by submitting an amended Application for Membership form to the Membership Chair. Seniority in the Club for the companion will start when the amended application is approval.

Applications and amended applications will be reviewed and approved by a majority of Club Officers. The Membership Chair will present the new member and/or companion member to the Officers for approval by email, phone, or at the next Officer's Meeting. The officers must vote to approve or disapprove the application within four days of email notification. The Membership Chair at the next Officer's Meeting will present the final vote tally on the proposed new member, which will be entered into the minutes. Applications may be rejected for cause. Any member or Officer may advise the Club President or Membership Chair about why an application should be rejected. Upon application approval, new members will be introduced and given their membership package by the Membership Chair at the next monthly membership meeting.

Nonmembers must apply for membership status after attending no more than two scheduled Club meetings or events. Associate and Honorary members are excluded from this requirement.
Any member may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Club President directly or through the Membership Chair. His/her resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the President, provided all indebtedness to the Club is paid. No refund of fees or dues will be made to a resigning member.
A member having their license revoked as a penalty for traffic violation forfeits Club membership and all rights and privileges thereof, effective the date the revocation is legal and/or such a revocation is made known to the Club President or Membership Chair. The Club member that is expelled under this provision will be notified by mail of this expulsion. A Club member expelled under this section is not entitled to any refunds or monies paid to the Club as fees or dues. An expelled member may rejoin the Club when the term of the license revocation has elapsed by submitting a written application for membership and the appropriate dues to the Membership Chair.

A Corvette owner having become a Club member, then selling or otherwise disposing of the Corvette may retain Club membership if that member so desires. However, should it become evident to the Club that such a member has lost interest in the Club a ruling majority may cancel the membership.

Membership will automatically lapse for nonpayment of dues at the end of February each fiscal year. This clause, however, is subject to ARTICLE III Section 6.

Any member may be expelled for an infraction of the Club rules or causing embarrassment to the Club or Club Sponsor [Article VIII Section 4], or such other causes as may be determined by the Club President and approved by the majority of the Club Officers. The member will be notified by mail of an action to expel and cause for expulsion. The member will have an opportunity to submit in writing or in person his/her position on any cause for expulsion of which he/she has been notified. The member will have 15 days to respond to the notice to expel. After the member has submitted their position or the 15 days after notice has expired, a majority vote of the Club Officers will determine if the member will be expelled.
The initiation fee for a Member, with or without a Companion Member, is thirty-five dollars ($35.00), and will include up to two name tags, a Club window decal and copy of the Club Bylaws. A member that makes application without a companion member may add one companion member in the future without paying any additional fees. If a companion member changes and the member makes an application to remove a Companion Membership and add another, they must pay 100 percent of the cost for the new companion's name tag. Annual Club dues for a Member and Companion Member is forty dollars ($40.00). New member applicants joining the Club in the first six (6) months of the fiscal year (January through June) will pay the initiation fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) and the full year's dues of forty dollars ($40.00), for a total of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Applicants joining the Club in the last six (6) months of the fiscal year (July through December) will pay the initiation fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) and will pay a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for dues for the remaining fiscal year, for a total of fifty-five dollars ($55.00).

Associate Members and Honorary Members are not required to pay any initiation fees or dues.

Club dues are due annually at the beginning of the calendar year regardless of when the member joined during the year and must be paid by the end of February. Should a member fail to pay his/her dues by the end of February, the person will no longer be considered a Club member. They will not be able to participate in future Club events or vote until they renew their membership and pay their dues in full. After the end of February and before July 1st, the member may pay their dues plus a ten-dollar ($10.00) late fee. After July 1st, the individual's membership terminates. For the next 2 years, the option of "coming back" to the club and only being responsible to pay only the annual club dues, (not the membership fee) will be offered. This will reinstate them as a member however they will start anew with club seniority. If new membership name tags are needed, the member will be responsible for the cost. Note that this "come back" reinstatement is good for one time only. After 2 years the former member must apply as a brand-new member and pay the application fee and dues accordingly.

Any changes to Club dues amount can only be made annually. Any proposed Club dues change will be made at the October Nomination Meeting during the nomination for Club Officers. The proposed new Club dues will be added to the Club Officers Election ballot. A simple majority vote of the submitted Election Ballots is needed for approval. The approved new Club dues goes into effect January 1 of the following year. Any Member paying dues before January 1 would not be required to pay any additional increase. The members will be notified of the proposed new Club dues on Corvette Club of Utah Website.
  ©Corvette Club of Utah, 2025 Site Visits: 013949