Corvette Club of Utah

The Nomination Meeting for new Club Officers will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of October each year for the purpose of nominating new Club Officers for election (Article V). Reports from Club Officers and committee chairs and such other Club business that normally come before the Membership Meeting are completed before starting the nomination process. Nominations are made from the floor. Nominations are made by opening nominations for the office starting with the President. Each person wishing to nominate another for an office must have received approval from the person to be nominated before nominating the person. After all nominations have been made for the office, a motion is made to close the nominations for that office. When the motion is seconded, then a vote is taken of attending members. A nomination must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the Nomination Meeting (Article IV, Section 6)ARTICLE I SECTION 3.
The Election Meeting for new Club Officers will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of November of each year [ARTICLE V]. The Election Committee will collect completed Club Officers Election Ballots from the members before the meeting starts and count them in a room separate from the Election Meeting. Reports from Officers and committees, and such other business that normally come before the Membership Meeting are completed while the ballots are being counted. The Election Committee will announce the election results to the membership before closure of the Election Meeting. When circumstances arise that prevent the physical gathering of Club members, the Election Committee will collect all absentee ballots in their original sealed envelope and announce the election results to the Club President, who will notify Club Members of the results as described in ARTICLE I Section 3.
Regular Meetings will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of each month with at least one meeting to be held in the Southern Region and one meeting to be held in the Northern Region during each year. Reports from Officers and committees, and such other business that normally come before the Membership Meeting is completed.
The Regular Meetings in January, April and July are designated as quarterly report meetings. At these meetings and the Nomination Meeting in October, a formal Treasurer's Financial Report will be made to the membership. The reporting periods will run from January 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30, July 1 to September 30, and October 1 to December 31. Also, at these meetings, a report of the current point totals in the Member of the Year Competition will be made concerning the ten (10) top positions.
Special meetings may be called by the President in addition to regular meetings.
For purpose of this section, Members and Companion Members are voting members. There must be a minimum of 30 voting members present at the Club meeting to conduct Club business. Voting will be done by "Show of Hands" or "Counted Vote"". The presiding Officer conducting the vote should make every effort to maintain an appearance of impartiality. The presiding Officer votes only if the vote is by ballot, or if there is a tie vote, the vote by the Presiding Officer will break a tie vote. All Club actions, and amendments to the Bylaws must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting members present at the monthly meeting where the subject is presented for approval. All decisions other than the election of Officers at the election meeting are to be considered Club actions. The election of Officers and voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall be done as provided for under ARTICLE V.
Any decisions regarding Club policy that require an immediate decision may be decided by a vote of the majority of the Club officers.
Regular Officer Meetings will be held the 2nd (Second) Wednesday of each month or other date as determined by the Club President. Club Officers will report on their areas of responsibility or assignments and conduct other Club business on the meeting agenda. Only Officers will be allowed to vote at the Officer Meeting. Voting will be done by "Show of Hands" or "Counted Vote"". The Presiding Officer conducting the vote should make every effort to maintain an appearance of impartiality. The Presiding Officer votes only if the vote is by ballot, or if there is a tie vote, the vote by the Presiding Officer will break a tie vote. The Chairs and Functional Managers are not required to attend the Officer Meetings.
Agenda - The Club uses an Agenda to conduct business at Club Meetings. It is a presiding Officer responsibility to make sure the Agenda is created and used. The Agenda is key to keeping the meeting on topic and on time. Items not on the agenda should be tabled until the next meeting.

Notice - All meetings require notice to participants at least a week in advance using the methods of communication in ARTICLE I SECTION 3. Notice should include when and where the meeting is to be held and the topics to be discussed (Agenda). The Club Website can be used to give notice.

Minutes - Meetings of Nonprofit Corporations require minutes. Who attended, what was discussed, assignments made, and actions taken. Use the agenda and fill in the blanks. Distribute completed minutes to Club Membership and document approval of the minutes by the meeting participants. Minutes must be approved to become an official record of the meeting.

Actions - All Club actions should be in the form of a motion. The motion needs to be seconded to be recognized by the chair and considered by the Club. Reports are not actions and do not need motions.

Discussion - Discussion or debate always follows a motion. The motion can be withdrawn or amended if something changes during the discussion. Discussion needs to be open to all, productive, respectful, and on topic.

Resolution - All motions need to be resolved. Only one motion can be considered at a time. If additional information or time is needed before voting on the motion, the motion will be tabled or postponed for future consideration. A vote is taken to close the motion following the guidelines in ARTICLE IV SECTION 6. Results of the vote are recorded in the minutes.
Door prizes in the form of gifts, gift cards, or cash may be given at Club meetings to encourage Club Membership attendance. Winners will be selected in a random pick of the draw manner. The use and cost of door prizes is approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).
The Club is not licensed to prepare or serve food for sale. Members who wish to receive a meal at a club meeting should signup on the Club Website, (when required) and agree to pay a fee in advance of, or during the meeting. The serving of food and cost to members are to be determined by the Club Officers for each event. Meetings where meals are served may be indicated as sold out when Club Website signups reach the maximum allowed number of participants.
  ©Corvette Club of Utah, 2024 Site Visits: 048248