Corvette Club of Utah

Corvette Club of Utah (CCU) members are eligible to be elected for Officer positions after at least 6 months of membership.

Any candidate for the office of President must have been a member for at least one year with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) attendance at Club monthly meetings and Club point events and served as an Officer in any capacity prior to being nominated for President. Point events are noted on the Club web page. The eligibility year for attendance will run from October 1st to September 30th. Should no prior or current Officer accept the nomination for President, this requirement can be waived at the Nomination Meeting in favor of an ineligible nominated member by a Club Ruling Majority [ARTICLE IV Section 6].
The Board of Directors, who are also known as Officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They are legally responsible for the daily operation of the Corvette Club of Utah. They shall serve for an elected term of one year, beginning 1 January through 31 December of the year following their election. All members serving as Officers may have their membership paid in full at the end of a satisfactory year of service to the Club in lieu of a Service Recognition Plaque from the Club and if approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).

To assist Officers and to help in Club operations, the President may appoint persons to serve in other capacities, as outlined and described in Article VII following. Such positions may include Gazette Editor, Historian, Membership Chair, Special Events Chair, National Corvette Museum Ambassador, and Webmaster. These positions will be collectively referred to as "chairs or functional managers". (See Article VII for more details about these positions.) All members serving in these leadership roles may have their membership paid in full at the end of satisfactory year of service to the club in lieu of a Service Recognition Plaque from the Club and if approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).
Candidates for Club Officers shall be selected and nominated on a voluntary basis. Candidate selections will be made during the Nomination Meeting in October of each year. During that meeting, nominees may volunteer or be nominated for office. Candidates must be in agreement before they are nominated at the Nomination Meeting. Nominees may provide a brief explanation of their qualifications for the office they seek at the Nomination Meeting.

The Secretary will record the names of the nominees for the various offices during the meeting. Members not able to attend the meeting may obtain a list of the nominees on or after that date from the Secretary.

Ballots for Officers will be cast at the Election Meeting in November of each year. Members and Companion Members may each submit a ballot to vote. Ballots are to be marked in secret and submitted to the Election Committee at the beginning of the Election Meeting. A vote may be done by proxy. The voting Member or Companion Member must provide their proxy (i.e., person casting the vote on behalf of the member) with written and signed authorization to cast their proxy vote. The proxy will attach the authorization to the vote when submitting the vote to the Election Committee at the Election Meeting. Voting by absentee ballot should be mailed or hand delivered to the Election Committee in a sealed envelope marked as a ballot on the outside. The address to mail the absentee ballot will be included on the ballot posted on the Club Website. The Election Committee must receive absentee ballots before the Election Meeting in order to be counted.

All Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the valid ballots submitted to the Election Committee at the Election Meeting. A flip of a coin shall determine the winner in the event of a tie for any office. In the case of a three or more tie for an office, the winner will be determined by drawing the marked paper slip from a box with slips of paper equal to the number of people tied for the office. One slip will be pre-marked to designate it as the winning slip. The winner shall be the person that draws the marked slip.

In the event an Officer position is vacant because the Officer resigns or becomes unable to hold the office through the end of his/her term, the other Officers shall appoint a Member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the current term, subject to the approval of the Club by consent of two-thirds (2/3) Club Members attending the meeting following the appointment [ARTICLE IV Section 6]. An Officer may be removed from office by the consent of voting members as outlined in ARTICLE IV Section 6.

All Officers are expected to attend Monthly Officers' meetings in addition to Regular Meetings, and as many events as possible. They are not eligible for the Member of the Year traveling trophy. Officers are encouraged to meet and greet new members, guests, and current members at events and meetings.
The Election Committee shall consist of one non-running or past Officer and two (2) members. The Officer and members will be appointed by the majority of current Officers with the consent of the members as outlined in ARTICLE IV Section 6. This shall be done at the Nomination Meeting in October.
The Club President will notify the membership at a Regular Meeting when a vacancy occurs or is projected to occur for a Chair or Functional Manager position. Members apply for the vacant position by submitting a letter or email to the Club President stating their qualifications for the position. President will select the most qualified candidate with the approval of the Club Officers at the Officers’ Meeting and with the consent of the members [ARTICLE IV Section 6] at the next scheduled Regular Meeting.

The Chairs and Functional Managers may resign from their positions by submitting a letter of resignation to the Club President. They can also be removed from their position by the consenting vote of two-thirds (2/3) Club majority [ARTICLE IV Section 6].
  ©Corvette Club of Utah, 2024 Site Visits: 048260