Corvette Club of Utah

The name of the Club is established in the Articles of Incorporation. The Corvette Club of Utah (CCU) was organized in February 1964 by 8 members. In April 1965, it was incorporated as Entity Number 598717-0140 with the State of Utah as a Nonprofit Corporation (Articles of Incorporation Article 1).
The purpose of the Club, as defined in the Articles of Incorporation, is to promote increased enjoyment of Corvette ownership for Club members by providing planned, regulated, social and competitive activities, to provide support to charitable organizations, and to encourage careful and skillful driving on public highways.
The following forms of communication are used by the Club.
Corvette Club of Utah Website - used to provide most current notice of pending and future Club events. Provides access to Club Officers, key Club documents, and historical pictures of Club activities.
Social Media, Facebook - used to provide publicity of current Club activities to Club members and other interested parties. Key method to distribute publicity about the Club.
Online Newsletter, Corvette Gazette - used to provide information on past events or meetings and other non-time sensitive information to Club Members.
Email - used to formally notify Club members of changes to meetings or events or provide time sensitive information to Club members.
Electronic Meeting Software Applications, e.g., Zoom - used to hold any Club Meeting when circumstances arise that prevent the physical gathering of Club members or officers.
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) are used as a reference for Parliamentary Procedures and Rules in Club Meetings, Voting, Officer Nominations, Officer Elections, Duties of the President, Duties of the Vice President, Duties of the Secretary, Duties of the Treasurer, and Duties of the Committee Chairperson or Chair.
The fiscal period of the Club will run from January 1 of each year to December 31 of the same year. The point system for Member of the Year Competition (Article XII) will run for the same time period.
The Treasurer will create a yearly budget of Club expenditures and projected revenues for the upcoming fiscal year. This budget will be presented to the Club membership at the March Membership Meeting. A simple majority vote of the Members present at the March Membership Meeting is required for budget approval. Any expenditures outside the budget must be approved per Article II, Section 4. (See also Article IV, Section 6).
The Articles of Incorporation provide restrictions on the distribution of Club assets. The Treasurer (or designated individual(s) listed on account signature cards) will receive all monies of the Club and deposit it into the Club bank account and will make all payments of Club debts upon approval of the majority of Club Officers. All contracts, checks, drafts, notes and other orders for payment of money will be signed by the Club Treasurer. Receipts or other supporting documents are required for all expenditures.
No obligation, debt, or other liability will be incurred by the Treasurer without the specific approval of the majority of Club Officers and must be in accordance with the approved budget. If an unbudgeted proposed expenditure is identified that is less than or equal to five hundred dollars ($500.00), it can be approved by a two-third (2/3) majority vote of Club Officers. Any unbudgeted expenditure under five hundred dollars ($500.00) approved by the Club Officers must be presented for approval or ratification to the membership at the next scheduled Regular Meeting. Any proposed expenditure exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a monthly membership meeting preceding the expenditure. (See also Article IV, Section 6).
The Treasurer will give a report of the financial status of the Club monthly at the Officers Meeting and quarterly at the monthly membership meeting. This monthly and quarterly report must contain the summary amounts and descriptions of all revenues and expenditures since the previous report, balance of funds in all Club financial accounts, and any expected anomalies to the approved budget in the future.
If required, the President may create an Audit Committee consisting of two or more members, with at least one member being a Club Officers, to examine the financial accounts and verify whether the Treasurer's Report based upon them is correct.
Membership in the Club will be based on one of four membership classes as explained in Section 2 of this Article. Membership in any class must be approved according to the procedures outlined in Article III. Any person not meeting the guidelines/definitions of one of these classes will not be approved for Club membership. (Articles of Incorporation, Article IV).
Member: A Corvette owner who holds a valid license to operate motor vehicles upon the public roads and who is properly insured. Members are entitled to all Club privileges. Any Member whose dues are not current or who is not a member in good standing, will not be allowed to vote on any issue.

Companion Member: Any person that is closely associated with and proposed by a Member. A Companion Member is entitled to all Club privileges of a Member and can attend Club activities with or without the specific Corvette owner Member. Any Companion Member whose dues are not current or who is not a member in good standing, will not be allowed to vote on any issue.

Associate Member: An interested relative of a specific Corvette owner Member, who has been identified by that Member to the Membership Chair. The Associate Member has no Club privileges and is entitled to participate fully in all Club events both social and competitive when accompanied by the relative Member. The Associate Member is subject to such fees as may be assessed members for participation in the events. The Associate Member will pay the full fee when Member discounted fees are assessed for an event. Associate Members may not vote, may not hold office in the Club, and may not participate in the annual Member of the Year competition. This restriction may be waived for a specific Associate Member when approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the monthly membership meeting (Article IV, Section 6). An Associate Member does not need to own a Corvette.

Honorary Member: Any person or company nominated and elected to such membership in the Club through the election procedures as outlined below for the election of Club Officers under ARTICLE V. An Club Honorary Member is entitled to participate fully in all Club events both social and competitive, but are subject to such fees as may be assessed members for participation in the events. An Honorary Member can bring one invited guest to Club events. Honorary Members may not vote, may not hold office in the Club, and may not participate in the annual Member of the Year competition. This restriction may be waived for a specific Honorary Member when approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the monthly membership meeting (Article IV, Section 6). An Honorary Member does not need to own a Corvette. .
Member applicants submit a completed and signed official Club Application for Membership (available from the Membership Chair or the Club's website) for themselves and their companion, together with the initiation fee and the appropriate dues for the remainder of the fiscal year (see ARTICLE III Section 6). They must show a valid motor vehicle operator's license, evidence of ownership of a Corvette, and proof of public liability insurance coverage on that Corvette. (An applicant for membership not having a valid operator's license, as a penalty of traffic law violation, may not become a member until the proper government authority has withdrawn the restriction from the operator's license.) The application will be reviewed and annotated by the Membership Chair or his/her designated representative.

Applicants who submit an application without designating a Companion Membership application can request a Companion Member be added to applicant's membership at a later date by submitting an amended Application for Membership form to the Membership Chair. Seniority in the Club for the companion will start when the amended application is approval.

Applications and amended applications will be reviewed and approved by a majority of Club Officers. The Membership Chair will present the new member and/or companion member to the Officers for approval by email, phone, or at the next Officer's Meeting. The officers must vote to approve or disapprove the application within four days of email notification. The Membership Chair at the next Officer's Meeting will present the final vote tally on the proposed new member, which will be entered into the minutes. Applications may be rejected for cause. Any member or Officer may advise the Club President or Membership Chair about why an application should be rejected. Upon application approval, new members will be introduced and given their membership package by the Membership Chair at the next monthly membership meeting.

Nonmembers must apply for membership status after attending no more than two scheduled Club meetings or events. Associate and Honorary members are excluded from this requirement.
Any member may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Club President directly or through the Membership Chair. His/her resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the President, provided all indebtedness to the Club is paid. No refund of fees or dues will be made to a resigning member.
A member having their license revoked as a penalty for traffic violation forfeits Club membership and all rights and privileges thereof, effective the date the revocation is legal and/or such a revocation is made known to the Club President or Membership Chair. The Club member that is expelled under this provision will be notified by mail of this expulsion. A Club member expelled under this section is not entitled to any refunds or monies paid to the Club as fees or dues. An expelled member may rejoin the Club when the term of the license revocation has elapsed by submitting a written application for membership and the appropriate dues to the Membership Chair.

A Corvette owner having become a Club member, then selling or otherwise disposing of the Corvette may retain Club membership if that member so desires. However, should it become evident to the Club that such a member has lost interest in the Club a ruling majority may cancel the membership.

Membership will automatically lapse for nonpayment of dues at the end of February each fiscal year. This clause, however, is subject to ARTICLE III Section 6.

Any member may be expelled for an infraction of the Club rules or causing embarrassment to the Club or Club Sponsor [Article VIII Section 4], or such other causes as may be determined by the Club President and approved by the majority of the Club Officers. The member will be notified by mail of an action to expel and cause for expulsion. The member will have an opportunity to submit in writing or in person his/her position on any cause for expulsion of which he/she has been notified. The member will have 15 days to respond to the notice to expel. After the member has submitted their position or the 15 days after notice has expired, a majority vote of the Club Officers will determine if the member will be expelled.
The initiation fee for a Member, with or without a Companion Member, is thirty-five dollars ($35.00), and will include up to two name tags, a Club window decal and copy of the Club Bylaws. A member that makes application without a companion member may add one companion member in the future without paying any additional fees. If a companion member changes and the member makes an application to remove a Companion Membership and add another, they must pay 100 percent of the cost for the new companion's name tag. Annual Club dues for a Member and Companion Member is forty dollars ($40.00). New member applicants joining the Club in the first six (6) months of the fiscal year (January through June) will pay the initiation fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) and the full year's dues of forty dollars ($40.00), for a total of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Applicants joining the Club in the last six (6) months of the fiscal year (July through December) will pay the initiation fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) and will pay a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for dues for the remaining fiscal year, for a total of fifty-five dollars ($55.00).

Associate Members and Honorary Members are not required to pay any initiation fees or dues.

Club dues are due annually at the beginning of the calendar year regardless of when the member joined during the year and must be paid by the end of February. Should a member fail to pay his/her dues by the end of February, the person will no longer be considered a Club member. They will not be able to participate in future Club events or vote until they renew their membership and pay their dues in full. After the end of February and before July 1st, the member may pay their dues plus a ten-dollar ($10.00) late fee. After July 1st, the individual's membership terminates. For the next 2 years, the option of "coming back" to the club and only being responsible to pay only the annual club dues, (not the membership fee) will be offered. This will reinstate them as a member however they will start anew with club seniority. If new membership name tags are needed, the member will be responsible for the cost. Note that this "come back" reinstatement is good for one time only. After 2 years the former member must apply as a brand-new member and pay the application fee and dues accordingly.

Any changes to Club dues amount can only be made annually. Any proposed Club dues change will be made at the October Nomination Meeting during the nomination for Club Officers. The proposed new Club dues will be added to the Club Officers Election ballot. A simple majority vote of the submitted Election Ballots is needed for approval. The approved new Club dues goes into effect January 1 of the following year. Any Member paying dues before January 1 would not be required to pay any additional increase. The members will be notified of the proposed new Club dues on Corvette Club of Utah Website.
The Nomination Meeting for new Club Officers will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of October each year for the purpose of nominating new Club Officers for election (Article V). Reports from Club Officers and committee chairs and such other Club business that normally come before the Membership Meeting are completed before starting the nomination process. Nominations are made from the floor. Nominations are made by opening nominations for the office starting with the President. Each person wishing to nominate another for an office must have received approval from the person to be nominated before nominating the person. After all nominations have been made for the office, a motion is made to close the nominations for that office. When the motion is seconded, then a vote is taken of attending members. A nomination must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at the Nomination Meeting (Article IV, Section 6)ARTICLE I SECTION 3.
The Election Meeting for new Club Officers will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of November of each year [ARTICLE V]. The Election Committee will collect completed Club Officers Election Ballots from the members before the meeting starts and count them in a room separate from the Election Meeting. Reports from Officers and committees, and such other business that normally come before the Membership Meeting are completed while the ballots are being counted. The Election Committee will announce the election results to the membership before closure of the Election Meeting. When circumstances arise that prevent the physical gathering of Club members, the Election Committee will collect all absentee ballots in their original sealed envelope and announce the election results to the Club President, who will notify Club Members of the results as described in ARTICLE I Section 3.
Regular Meetings will be held the 3rd (third) Wednesday of each month with at least one meeting to be held in the Southern Region and one meeting to be held in the Northern Region during each year. Reports from Officers and committees, and such other business that normally come before the Membership Meeting is completed.
The Regular Meetings in January, April and July are designated as quarterly report meetings. At these meetings and the Nomination Meeting in October, a formal Treasurer's Financial Report will be made to the membership. The reporting periods will run from January 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30, July 1 to September 30, and October 1 to December 31. Also, at these meetings, a report of the current point totals in the Member of the Year Competition will be made concerning the ten (10) top positions.
Special meetings may be called by the President in addition to regular meetings.
For purpose of this section, Members and Companion Members are voting members. There must be a minimum of 30 voting members present at the Club meeting to conduct Club business. Voting will be done by "Show of Hands" or "Counted Vote"". The presiding Officer conducting the vote should make every effort to maintain an appearance of impartiality. The presiding Officer votes only if the vote is by ballot, or if there is a tie vote, the vote by the Presiding Officer will break a tie vote. All Club actions, and amendments to the Bylaws must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting members present at the monthly meeting where the subject is presented for approval. All decisions other than the election of Officers at the election meeting are to be considered Club actions. The election of Officers and voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall be done as provided for under ARTICLE V.
Any decisions regarding Club policy that require an immediate decision may be decided by a vote of the majority of the Club officers.
Regular Officer Meetings will be held the 2nd (Second) Wednesday of each month or other date as determined by the Club President. Club Officers will report on their areas of responsibility or assignments and conduct other Club business on the meeting agenda. Only Officers will be allowed to vote at the Officer Meeting. Voting will be done by "Show of Hands" or "Counted Vote"". The Presiding Officer conducting the vote should make every effort to maintain an appearance of impartiality. The Presiding Officer votes only if the vote is by ballot, or if there is a tie vote, the vote by the Presiding Officer will break a tie vote. The Chairs and Functional Managers are not required to attend the Officer Meetings.
Agenda - The Club uses an Agenda to conduct business at Club Meetings. It is a presiding Officer responsibility to make sure the Agenda is created and used. The Agenda is key to keeping the meeting on topic and on time. Items not on the agenda should be tabled until the next meeting.

Notice - All meetings require notice to participants at least a week in advance using the methods of communication in ARTICLE I SECTION 3. Notice should include when and where the meeting is to be held and the topics to be discussed (Agenda). The Club Website can be used to give notice.

Minutes - Meetings of Nonprofit Corporations require minutes. Who attended, what was discussed, assignments made, and actions taken. Use the agenda and fill in the blanks. Distribute completed minutes to Club Membership and document approval of the minutes by the meeting participants. Minutes must be approved to become an official record of the meeting.

Actions - All Club actions should be in the form of a motion. The motion needs to be seconded to be recognized by the chair and considered by the Club. Reports are not actions and do not need motions.

Discussion - Discussion or debate always follows a motion. The motion can be withdrawn or amended if something changes during the discussion. Discussion needs to be open to all, productive, respectful, and on topic.

Resolution - All motions need to be resolved. Only one motion can be considered at a time. If additional information or time is needed before voting on the motion, the motion will be tabled or postponed for future consideration. A vote is taken to close the motion following the guidelines in ARTICLE IV SECTION 6. Results of the vote are recorded in the minutes.
Door prizes in the form of gifts, gift cards, or cash may be given at Club meetings to encourage Club Membership attendance. Winners will be selected in a random pick of the draw manner. The use and cost of door prizes is approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).
The Club is not licensed to prepare or serve food for sale. Members who wish to receive a meal at a club meeting should signup on the Club Website, (when required) and agree to pay a fee in advance of, or during the meeting. The serving of food and cost to members are to be determined by the Club Officers for each event. Meetings where meals are served may be indicated as sold out when Club Website signups reach the maximum allowed number of participants.
Corvette Club of Utah (CCU) members are eligible to be elected for Officer positions after at least 6 months of membership.

Any candidate for the office of President must have been a member for at least one year with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) attendance at Club monthly meetings and Club point events and served as an Officer in any capacity prior to being nominated for President. Point events are noted on the Club web page. The eligibility year for attendance will run from October 1st to September 30th. Should no prior or current Officer accept the nomination for President, this requirement can be waived at the Nomination Meeting in favor of an ineligible nominated member by a Club Ruling Majority [ARTICLE IV Section 6].
The Board of Directors, who are also known as Officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They are legally responsible for the daily operation of the Corvette Club of Utah. They shall serve for an elected term of one year, beginning 1 January through 31 December of the year following their election. All members serving as Officers may have their membership paid in full at the end of a satisfactory year of service to the Club in lieu of a Service Recognition Plaque from the Club and if approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).

To assist Officers and to help in Club operations, the President may appoint persons to serve in other capacities, as outlined and described in Article VII following. Such positions may include Gazette Editor, Historian, Membership Chair, Special Events Chair, National Corvette Museum Ambassador, and Webmaster. These positions will be collectively referred to as "chairs or functional managers". (See Article VII for more details about these positions.) All members serving in these leadership roles may have their membership paid in full at the end of satisfactory year of service to the club in lieu of a Service Recognition Plaque from the Club and if approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).
Candidates for Club Officers shall be selected and nominated on a voluntary basis. Candidate selections will be made during the Nomination Meeting in October of each year. During that meeting, nominees may volunteer or be nominated for office. Candidates must be in agreement before they are nominated at the Nomination Meeting. Nominees may provide a brief explanation of their qualifications for the office they seek at the Nomination Meeting.

The Secretary will record the names of the nominees for the various offices during the meeting. Members not able to attend the meeting may obtain a list of the nominees on or after that date from the Secretary.

Ballots for Officers will be cast at the Election Meeting in November of each year. Members and Companion Members may each submit a ballot to vote. Ballots are to be marked in secret and submitted to the Election Committee at the beginning of the Election Meeting. A vote may be done by proxy. The voting Member or Companion Member must provide their proxy (i.e., person casting the vote on behalf of the member) with written and signed authorization to cast their proxy vote. The proxy will attach the authorization to the vote when submitting the vote to the Election Committee at the Election Meeting. Voting by absentee ballot should be mailed or hand delivered to the Election Committee in a sealed envelope marked as a ballot on the outside. The address to mail the absentee ballot will be included on the ballot posted on the Club Website. The Election Committee must receive absentee ballots before the Election Meeting in order to be counted.

All Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the valid ballots submitted to the Election Committee at the Election Meeting. A flip of a coin shall determine the winner in the event of a tie for any office. In the case of a three or more tie for an office, the winner will be determined by drawing the marked paper slip from a box with slips of paper equal to the number of people tied for the office. One slip will be pre-marked to designate it as the winning slip. The winner shall be the person that draws the marked slip.

In the event an Officer position is vacant because the Officer resigns or becomes unable to hold the office through the end of his/her term, the other Officers shall appoint a Member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the current term, subject to the approval of the Club by consent of two-thirds (2/3) Club Members attending the meeting following the appointment [ARTICLE IV Section 6]. An Officer may be removed from office by the consent of voting members as outlined in ARTICLE IV Section 6.

All Officers are expected to attend Monthly Officers' meetings in addition to Regular Meetings, and as many events as possible. They are not eligible for the Member of the Year traveling trophy. Officers are encouraged to meet and greet new members, guests, and current members at events and meetings.
The Election Committee shall consist of one non-running or past Officer and two (2) members. The Officer and members will be appointed by the majority of current Officers with the consent of the members as outlined in ARTICLE IV Section 6. This shall be done at the Nomination Meeting in October.
The Club President will notify the membership at a Regular Meeting when a vacancy occurs or is projected to occur for a Chair or Functional Manager position. Members apply for the vacant position by submitting a letter or email to the Club President stating their qualifications for the position. President will select the most qualified candidate with the approval of the Club Officers at the Officers’ Meeting and with the consent of the members [ARTICLE IV Section 6] at the next scheduled Regular Meeting.

The Chairs and Functional Managers may resign from their positions by submitting a letter of resignation to the Club President. They can also be removed from their position by the consenting vote of two-thirds (2/3) Club majority [ARTICLE IV Section 6].
The President is the chief executive of the Club. The President is responsible for all meetings defined in ARTICLE IV.

The President opens the Club Meeting on time by calling the members to order.

The President recognizes members entitled to speak at the Club Meeting.

The President protects the Club Meeting from annoyance from evidently frivolous or dilatory motions by refusing to recognize them.

The President assists in the expediting of Club business in every way compatible with the rights of the members, as by allowing brief remarks when undebatable motions are pending, if the President thinks it is advisable.

The President restrains the members when engaged in debate, within the rules of order.

The President enforces on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among the members, deciding all questions of order (subject to an appeal to the assembly by any two members) unless when in doubt he prefers to submit the question for the decision of the members.

The President informs the members, when necessary, or when referred to for the purpose, on a point of order or practice pertinent to pending business.

The President coordinates with and approves the Club's Events Calendar maintained by the Special Events Chair.

The President may call special meetings of members and Officers under the provisions of ARTICLE IV Section 5.

The President may form Special Committees for a particular purpose, such as a special event or bylaws change, as needed. Club Officers will select the most qualified candidate for the Committee Chair and members of the Committee at the Officers Meeting and inform the members of the selection at the next scheduled Regular Meeting.

The President maintains a detailed transition guide for the next President..
In the absence of the President, or in the case of his resignation or inability to act, the duties of the President will be performed by the Vice President

The Vice President will assist the President as requested by the President in the administration of the Club.

The Vice President attends and votes at Officer Meetings.

The Vice President maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Vice President.
The Secretary attends all Club Meetings of members and Officers. The Secretary keeps a record, called minutes, of all Club Meetings. A copy of the minutes is sent to members for information purposes. Corrections are verified at the next Club Meeting.

The Secretary keeps on file all chair, committee, and financial reports.

The Secretary keeps the ClubÕs official attendance roll and calls the roll, where it is required. The Secretary will have custody of Club records of members' attendance and records the number of points earned by members for the Member of the Year Competition.

The Secretary makes minutes and records available to members upon request.

The Secretary notifies Officers, Chairs, Functional Managers, and Committee Members of their election or appointment, furnishes committees with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties, and has on hand at each meeting a list of all existing committees and their members.

The Secretary maintains record book(s) in which bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules, and minutes are entered, and has the current record book(s) on hand at every meeting. These books are transitioned to the new secretary at the end of office.

The Secretary sends to the membership a notice of each meeting as outlined in ARTICLE I SECTION 3, known as the call of the meeting, and facilitates the general correspondence of the Club.

Before each meeting, the Secretary prepares an agenda for the presiding Officer. The agenda shows all matters known in advance that are due to be discussed at the meeting in order and under the appropriate headings.

The Secretary, in the absence of the President and Vice-President, calls the meeting to order and presides. In the absence of the Secretary from any meeting, the presiding Officer will choose someone to act as Secretary for the purpose keeping meeting minutes.

The Secretary sends Birthday, Get Well, and Sympathy greetings to the members as needed.

The Secretary attends and votes at Officer Meetings.

The Secretary retains a copy of reports from quarterly meetings as part of the meeting minutes, as outlined in ARTICLE IV Section 4.

The Secretary maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Secretary.
Subject to restrictions in the Articles of Incorporation, ARTICLE II FINANCE, and subject to other such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Officers, the Treasurer maintains custody of all Club funds, debts, and obligations belonging to the Club. The Treasurer and Membership Chair are authorized to accept Club dues, or any other funds received from members. Receipts will be issued to any person applying for membership and paying dues to the Treasurer.

The Treasurer uses Quicken QuickBooks software to track Club finances and membership records.

The Treasurer will keep up-to-date membership records from membership applications.

The Treasurer will create a yearly budget as outlined in ARTICLE II Section 2.

The Treasurer updates the Club banking account signature card(s) at the start of each term of office.

The Treasurer will receive all monies of the Club, including those received by the Membership Chair, and deposits them into the Club bank account. The Treasurer will make all payments of Club financial obligations as outlined in ARTICLE II Section 3 and will give a report of the financial status of the Club as outlined in ARTICLE II Section 5.

No obligation, debt or other liability will be incurred by the Treasurer without the specific approval of a majority of the Officers and in accordance with the approved budget as outlined in ARTICLE II Section 4.

The Treasurer will be the ClubÕs Registered Agent. The TreasurerÕs home address will be the ClubÕs Registered Office and Principal Place of Business. The Treasurer renews the incorporation of the Corvette Club of Utah with the State of Utah each year.

The Treasurer will file any required Federal and State tax forms for the Corvette Club of Utah with the appropriate governmental agencies each year.

The Treasurer will pick up mail addressed to the Club from the ClubÕs post office box at least weekly and will distribute it to the appropriate Officers.

In the absence of the Treasurer from any activity, the President will appoint another Officer to act as Treasurer for that activity. Any funds collected will be turned over to the Treasurer at the first opportunity but no later than a week following the activity.

The Treasurer attends and votes at Officer Meetings.

The Treasurer provides the Club financial records, checkbook, debit cards, and Club copy of Quick Books to the new Treasurer. The Treasurer maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Treasurer.
Another Officer may assume any other OfficerÕs duties, if necessary..
INTRODUCTION: They are responsible for the daily operation of their specific Club function. They shall serve until they resign or are removed. All members serving in these leadership roles may have their membership paid in full at the end of a satisfactory year of service to the Club in lieu of a Service Recognition Plaque from the Club and when approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II). Chairs and Functional Managers are not Officers and do not attend Officers' Meetings. Chairs are considered Chairpersons of Standing Committees and may have members to assist in the duties of the committee. The following explains the duties of each chair or functional manager.
The Editor assembles the Club's bi-monthly newsletter. The Editor receives articles and pictures from Officers and members about Club activities, WSCC Activities, NCM News, Corvette Racing News, or other Corvette-related items of interest to Club members. The Editor communicates with the President about newsletter contents.

The Club newsletter (Gazette) is published on the Club website and can be downloaded in full or in part by members when printed copies are desired.

The Editor will forward a final copy of the Gazette in a suitable format agreed to with the Club Webmaster for publication to the Club website before the start of each bi-monthly period.

The Gazette Editor maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Gazette Editor.
The Historian is responsible for recording a pictorial account of Club events. The Historian communicates with the President about the pictorial account contents.

The Historian provides an edited copy of pictures for each Club event to the Editor and the Club Webmaster for publication to the Club website after each event.

If unable to attend a function, the Historian may designate a Member as to take pictures.

The Historian maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Historian.
The Membership Chair is responsible for managing the recruitment effort of the Club. The Membership Chair communicates with the President about Club membership.

The Membership Chair processes membership applications as outlined in ARTICLE III Section 3.

The Membership Chair explains Club policies to prospective members. This includes assisting prospective members in completing membership applications and collecting initiation fees and dues.

The Membership Chair issues a Club decal and nametag(s) to new members. The Membership Chair shows new members how to find the Articles of Incorporation and Club Bylaws on the ClubÕs website.

The Membership Chair welcomes and introduces all new members to the Club at Regular Meetings.

The Membership Chair orders Club nametags and maintains a supply of window decals and embroidered Club patches.

The Membership Chair provides Committee Reports at the Regular Club Meeting.

The Membership Chair maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Membership Chair.
The Special Events Chair schedules, organizes, and coordinates all Club events as defined in ARTICLE VIII.

The Special Events Chair maintains the Club's Event Calendar. The Special Events Chair communicates with the President about Club events, points events, and the Club's Event Calendar.

The Special Events Chair is responsible for monthly birthday celebrations, annual Holiday Party, and the annual Awards Banquet as approved by Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).

Door prizes in the form of gifts, gift cards, or cash may be given at monthly birthday celebrations to encourage Club Membership attendance. Winners will be selected in a random pick of the draw manner. The use and cost of door prizes is approved by the Club Membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).

The Special Events Chair coordinates other Club events proposed and organized by Officers, members, associate clubs, and other car clubs.

The Special Events Chair coordinates requests from other organizations to have the Corvette Club of Utah participate in their event.

The Special Events Chair designates which events are Club point events.

The Special Events Chair coordinates fundraising activities in support of the Club selected charity.

The Special Events Chair provides Committee Reports at the Regular Club Meeting.

The Special Events Chair maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Special Events Chair.
The National Corvette Museum Ambassador (Ambassador) is the communication link between the Corvette Club of Utah and the National Corvette Museum. The Ambassador must be a current member of the National Corvette Museum. The Ambassador is responsible for keeping the members informed of Museum activities and events. The Ambassador should attend the NCM Membership and Ambassador Meetings.

The Ambassador reviews the NCM Ambassador Points Program and earns a minimum of 50 points per year. The Ambassador reports the number of points earned the previous year each January to the NCM on the NCM Ambassador's Facebook Page.

The Ambassador must be a current member of the Western States Corvette Council (WSCC) and either acts as or works with the Club representative to WSCC. The Ambassador keeps members informed of WSCC activities and events. The Ambassador should attend WSCC Quarterly Business Meetings.

The Ambassador is responsible for public promotion of the Corvette Club of Utah and its activities. Under the direction of and with the knowledge of the President, the Ambassador provides press releases for significant Club events to sources such as newspapers, radio, television, magazines, as well as Corvette Clubs and associations in Utah and in other states.

The Ambassador administers and moderates the CCU Facebook Page. The Facebook Page is used to keep members and the general public aware of Club events and news. The Ambassador shares page notifications from NCM, WSCC, Car Clubs, and other Corvette-related sites that would be of interest to the Club membership.

The Ambassador communicates with the President about NCM news and Club Publicity.

The Ambassador maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Ambassador.
The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the Club's official website - Information on the website must be in harmony with Club purposes. Information will be updated regularly, giving Club members and prospective members current information about Club events and activities. The Webmaster keeps the President informed of significant changes to the web page.

The Web Master renews the URL for the Club and contract for the service provider for the Club website each year.

The Webmaster will be responsible for the official copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Club Bylaws as outlined in ARTICLE XI SECTION 2.

The Webmaster communicates with the President about Club Website contents.

The Webmaster maintains a detailed transition guide for the next Webmaster.
Another officer if necessary may assume any officer’s duties.
Club activities consist of planned trips, social gatherings, and competitive events coordinated by the Special Events Chair. Events are planned by the Special Events Chair, Officers and Members and then scheduled by the Special Events Chair in coordination with the President. Any suggestions from Club members are welcome. Any member wishing to plan and direct an event will be allowed to do so after receiving the Special Events Chair approval, as long as the Special Events Chair confirms the event is in keeping with Club policies and purpose. Any committee required to organize an event will be formed according to the provisions in ARTICLE VII Section 4,.

Organizers of Club events are responsible for submitting articles with particulars to the Gazette Editor, Historian, and Webmaster for publication in the Club Newsletter and Website. .
Members are advised of all events via the Club website, Club newsletter and email as outlined in ARTICLE I SECTION 3. Activities will be planned so that all particulars may be outlined on the Club website and in the Club newsletter. Members are notified of changes or new activities by email. The website will be updated regularly to reflect current information about Club events and activities.
For events where only limited participation is possible, a signup will be established on the Club website and member participants will be selected in the order that they signed up for the event. The Club website will indicate the event as "Sold Out" when all participant slots are taken. A vote of Club Officers will settle any disputes.

Any member participating in a car show as a club display will conform to the organizer's rules and registration procedures. Vehicles displayed will be registered and insurance in accordance with State of Utah. Vehicles will be clean and present a favorable image of the Club. Additional promotional signs or displays for the purpose of personal gain or profit will not be permitted at any car show identified as a club display, unless specifically approved by the Officers.
Club members participating in Club activities will conduct themselves in a socially acceptable manner. Anyone causing embarrassment to the Club or Club Sponsor will be subject to expulsion under ARTICLE III Section 5.

The Club travels in Corvette caravans. The Organizer is the leader of the caravan and communicates with other members of the caravan using a GMRS radio. Members are encouraged to purchase a GMRS radio. A designated trail vehicle communicates with the leader using the GMRS radio and stops with any member that drops out of the caravan. Members traveling in the caravan stay between the Organizer and trail vehicle. Drivers should follow all traffic laws, not obstruct traffic flow, allow other vehicles to safely move between Corvettes in the caravan when changing lanes, and ensure safe distance between vehicles before merging back into the end of the caravan after passing a vehicle.

The leader of the caravan will hold a drivers' meeting before starting travel for the day to provide a general itinerary, give cautions about the route or traffic, and any additional instructions to members for the safe operation of the caravan.
Events that are organized by Club Members will be counted as points events toward Member of the Year. Organizers of events will be required to provide attendance information to the Secretary and photos to the Historian
The Club roster is maintained by the Treasurer in QuickBooks. It will be Club policy to provide copies of the Club Roster in a spreadsheet report to the Club Officers only. To preserve the privacy of the members, a general distribution of member's names, addresses and phone numbers will only be made to Officers, Chairs, Functional Managers, and Associate Clubs. Any other person, including members, requesting this information for a specific member must contact an Officer or designated representative who will contact the member and provide the contact information of the requesting individual to the member after gaining permission from the member to release their information to the requestor.

The Club roster will indicate class of membership, contact information of members, month and day of member's birthday, and Corvette ownership information. Contact information includes mailing address, phone numbers, and email address. Ownership information includes year, model, type, color, and license plate number.

It is the members responsibility to notify the Treasurer with any changes to contact information or Corvette ownership.
All persons or corporations extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against the Club or its Officers, will look only to funds and property of the Club for payment of any such contract or claim or for payment of any debt, damage, judgement, or decree or any other money that may otherwise become payable to them from the Club or the Officers; so that neither the members of the Club, the Officers, present nor future, will be liable personally, therefore.
All members agree to a waiver of liability as a condition of membership. All participants in any Club-sponsored activity for which a participation entrance fee is required must sign a liability waiver that will release the Club from liability for damages caused by or to the participant.
All members must have liability and collision insurance on their Corvette as required by the State of Utah to participate in any Club-sponsored activity involving their Corvette. The Club will also maintain insurance to protect the Club and Officers. The Club policy is approved by the Club membership during the annual Club Budget Process (Article II).
Officers of the Club or any ten (10) voting members by written proposal submitted to the President may propose an amendment to the Bylaws. Upon such a proposal being made, the proposal shall be made to the members at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting for review. The changes will be then posted on the website until the next regularly scheduled meeting for member comments, at which time a vote will be taken. If two-thirds (2/3) of the members present that are qualified to vote, vote in favor of the proposal, the proposed amendment shall thereby be approved and adopted. All proposals brought before the Club must be in writing and may be modified by the proposing member after discussion but must be in writing when an approval vote is made.
An official copy of the bylaws will be posted on the Corvette Club of Utah's website. Changes to the bylaws, once approved by the membership, will be provided to the Webmaster by the Secretary in both hardcopy and softcopy form. The webmaster will maintain a record of changes, also reviewable on the Corvette Club of Utah website.
To further encourage participation in the Club, an annual Member of the Year Award is hereby established. Points will be awarded to members for their participation and a winner will be determined by the highest score for each calendar year. Recognition and presentation of the Club traveling trophy will be made at the annual Awards Banquet to be held near the beginning of the next year. Participation awards will be given to runners-up as appropriate. Club Officers will not be eligible to receive these awards, as their participation in the Club activities is part of the job. The Secretary tracks the points for the Member of the Year Award as outlined in ARTICLE VI SECTION 3.
Attendance at a Club Meeting, Event, or Car Show 1 point
Show a car in a Club Car Show 1 point
Plan or help plan a Club Meeting, Event, or Car Show 1 point
Bonus for planning a multi-day event 1 point
Recruiting a new member 1 point
The Corvette Club of Utah logo is a trademark of the Club and any use of the logo must be authorized by a majority vote of the Officers.
The The Club will select a charity that it will donate to on an annual basis. Nominations for the charity will be conducted during the Nomination Meeting. Nominated charities will be placed on the election ballot and determined by majority vote at the election meeting. In the event of a tie vote, a flip of the coin will determine the charity. The selected charity will be the Club charity beginning in January each year. The amount of the donation cannot exceed the amount earned through activities, overages for club items sold, such as jackets, hats, calendars, etc. and any amount directly donated by members. Funds will not be allocated to charities from Club funds collected from dues or the Club sponsor. Only one charity will be financially supported during the year. The Club may select other charities to do service work for where no financial support is provided.
The Club is a Lifetime Member of the National Corvette Museum. Members are encouraged to join and support the NCM by buying merchandise at the Corvette Store and purchasing Corvette raffle tickets. Every five years the NCM sponsors a National Corvette Caravan to the museum for its Anniversary Celebration. A Caravan Captain is designated by NCM for the Northern California, Nevada, and Utah Caravan. The Club Officers designate a Caravan Co-Captain for the Corvette Club of Utah. The Co-Captain plans the Club's travel to and from the Anniversary Celebration at the NCM.
The Club is a non-voting member of the Western States Corvette Council. Members are encouraged to join. WSCC promotes events such as Auto-Crossing and organizes the Corvette Corral for the IMSA Races at the Laguna Seca Weather Tech Raceway. If enough Club members join WSCC, the Club will become a voting member of WSCC and will fall under the insurance umbrella of WSCC.
The President must call a special meeting with the sole purpose to dissolve the Corvette Club of Utah. Members may vote to terminate the Club by a consenting vote of two-thirds (2/3) Club majority [ARTICLE IV Section 6]. If approved, the Club is dissolved, and assets distributed in accordance with the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.
  ©Corvette Club of Utah, 2024 Site Visits: 000435